Two women playing chess over Zoom

How We Do a Competitive Landscape Analysis

One day I was on social media watching famous people making homemade mac and cheese. Kim Kardashian disclosed that she combines six different kinds of cheese and tops her mac and cheese with panko breadcrumbs! My mind was blown and I thought it was very creative and I wanted to try it. If Kim Kardashian […]

Intergrowth® team Denver office

What it Means to Work at Intergrowth

They say if you enjoy what you do, work becomes play. Hi. I’m Lauren, and I’ve worked for Intergrowth since January 2021 (a year and a half, as of my time writing this). Why should you apply for a job with us and work with us? I’m glad you asked. During my time with Intergrowth, […]

onboarding remote training new hire

What Should Remote Training Look Like?

I distinctly remember opening my inbox on December 4th (it was my Dad’s birthday … easy date to remember) to a “Congratulations!” email. After searching for months for a job during a pandemic, the moment finally happened. I was ecstatic to tell my friends and family that I had been offered a position doing something […]